Monday, May 7, 2012

Some important links H4H

Here are some articles that deal with Habitat.

This is an interesting article about how one Habitat affiliate demolished houses
instead of building them so they can use old household items to use them
to restore other homes.

Haiti Habitat for Humanity

Here is the link to the main Habitat site.

The steps you need to take to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity Tucson

Habitat for Humanity is a international, charitable organization run by a Christian group. 
In order to volunteer at Habitat Tucson you'd have to do several things.
First, you need to sign up for the orientation here.
On the "Volunteer" section of the Habitat for Humanity Tucson section
you would need to click on either "Watch the Orientation" or
"Sign up."  "Watch the Orientation" is a tutorial online and you can watch it
there.  If you prefer going to the physical orientation itself, you would need to
sign up for one of the dates provided.  If you go physically, you can ask questions
or talk about other inquiries.

The second step is to sign a waiver. You can do that at the "Step Two"
section of the volunteer section. 

The final step is to make a account, sign yourself in, and then sign up
when and where to volunteer. You have that option of volunteering
at the Habitat construction site, or if you're not old enough or hate
doing labor work, you can always work at the HabiStore.  The Habistore
is great in that they sell new and used items to help restore or build a home
for a affordable price.  

Some tools you use while volunteering at Habitat for Humanity

Tools you would use if you volunteer at Habitat for Humanity:
-chop saw: a power tool used to chop wood
-palm hammer: a kind of hammer use to hammer in nails
-frame hammer: a hammer used specifically for framing
-caulking gun:  a tool use to caulk. calking is used to help fill in spaces and holes
so that things like cabinets look more pleasing to the eye
-ladders: tool used to get reach high places
-wheelbarrow: a tool used to transport heavy objects from one place to another
-screw driver: a tool used to screw in screws
Clockwise from top left: caulking gun,  wheelbarrow, ladder, chopsaw

I wanted to reflect upon a time in April that was pretty significant to me.
During the first week of April I was able to experience my first Passover.
I was not raised Jewish and I am not Jewish.  However my boyfriend is Jewish
and it was great to experience Passover with him and his family because
it's great to learn about different cultures and religions.  My favorite parts of
the event was eating all the great food, singing traditional songs, and finding
the Matzah cracker that the elders hide so "children" can find them.  It is a
way to get children to be interested in celebrating Passover.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Concept Mapping

I tried using the concept map using Inspiration and I found it pretty fun! I think it's a useful tool in the classroom because you can connect different thoughts,ideas, and subjects to one another. If I were a teacher I would definitely use Inspiration or Kidspiration in classroom to help map out ideas of my own and my students. I tried using CMAP but there were some complications so I couldn't download the actual file.

Concept Map

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break is coming to an end

Hi! So spring break is coming to an end unfortunately.
I've had a pretty eventful spring break.  I went to San Francisco
to see my boyfriend there and helped my friend get ready
for her trip to Malawi for Peace Corps. For those who want to know
where Malawi is here is a direct link to the Google Maps page!
I made it easy for you!

Last week I went to LA to meet up with my grandmother from
Japan.  It was really nice to see her.  I just said good bye to her
today and now I'm back in San Francisco to "celebrate"
Saint Patrick's Day.